Advanced VR, iMmersive serious games and Augmented REality as tools to raise awareness and access to European underwater CULTURal heritagE (iMARECULTURE)

Research Project

Funding Entity:

European Union

Budget (K€):




Our role:


Starting Date:


Ending Date:



AMU/LIS UMR 7020, Masarykova univerzita, Czech Republic, Concordia University, Canada, Univerzitet U Sarajevu, Bosnia And Herzegovina, University Of Cyprus, Cyprus, 3d Research Srl, Italy, Universidade Nova De Lisboa, Portugal, Holografika Hologrameloallito Fejleszto Es Forgalmazo KFT, Hungary, Ministero Dei Beni E Delle Attivita Culturali E Del Turismo, Italy, Pierides Foundation, Cyprus

Short Description

The i-MareCulture project aims to promote European identity through underwater maritime heritage, which has traditionally been out of reach. It utilizes virtual tours, serious games, and augmented reality to make this heritage accessible. This interdisciplinary project is part of the European Digital Agenda and the H2020 program, aiming to connect education, research, and industry. It supports innovation and commercialization in the fields of virtual museums and digital heritage, aligning with the European strategy for a smart, sustainable, and inclusive economy.